Child of God
“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart” Jeremiah 1:5 NLT
I have been blessed with three beautiful children and so very proud of each of them. Just thinking about them makes me smile. It’s not what they do or what they say but just the fact they’re mine. Don’t get me wrong- there are many things they do (or don’t do) and things they say that make me feel all the more proud but I love them each individually for who they are everyday.
My husband and I have often said we have raised them each the same but they are so uniquely their own person with various interests and talents. I am extremely close with each of my children and love the adults they have grown up to become.
My oldest loves life to the fullest. He is my rock. He is creative, artistic, has an eye for detail, he’s friends with everyone, energetic, has music in his bones, loves to dance, and is the person everyone wants to be around. He is the best listener you will ever know and therefore his empathy and way with words are impressive.
My middle child is loyal and compassionate. He is my peace. He is dedicated, thoughtful, honest, goal-driven, reserved, content, conscientious, meticulous, and yet he always finds time to balance life with family and friends, adventure, humor, laughter, and fun. He also has the ability to communicate (both verbal and written) eloquently without hesitation.
My youngest is crazy beautiful inside and out. She is my joy. She is a graceful dancer, bubbly, confident, loving, gracious, humble, real, and filled with gratitude. She has a heart bigger than Texas. She is a helper, friend to everyone, motivator, and an encourager. Just like her brothers she also has a special way with words.
My children are hard-workers and dream big. They are each caring and value family. They don’t have to try to impress. They all enjoy a challenge. Each of them has the best smile, (so therefore very photogenic), the best laugh, is intelligent, and each loves God. As you can see I have every reason to love these chickadees.
Although my husband and I are reflected in many of their characteristics, each one of my children inspires me. Now as empty-nesters I miss the daily activity with them and cling to memories and cherish daily phone calls, texts, and visits I am able to share with them. I realize they are human and have flaws too but as crazy as it sounds I often compare myself and aspire to be just like them.
I started thinking about this then realized, I am content in life but questioned why I’m not always content with how God made me. At times I try to do and be more. Thinking about this has consumed my past week. People all around us strive to become someone new. People think if only I could…, if only I had… only when… only if…. It’s crazy how everyone strives to be different.
The love I have for each of my children is unique, each one with a special place in my heart. Knowing I would never want any of them to change, helps it makes sense. I was reminded I am a child of God. I am perfect in His eyes.
If you have ever spoken to me you know I get through difficult times by saying, “He saw this day too. Nothing comes as a surprise to God.” Now it has new meaning. He saw “this DAY” too. I was no surprise to God. Just as stated on my children’s birth announcements, "This is the DAY the Lord has made.”
God does not want us to change who we are. He has known us since before we were born and He loves us just the way we are. He made us exactly how he wanted. We are uniquely His.
Shine for Christ in your life today only the way you can shine. There is no better person to do your job! He’s counting on you just the way you are.