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Better than BOGO

K. Day

The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23 NIV

Today while shopping throughout the mall I was amazed at how different things are this holiday season. The mall was not as busy as I anticipated. One store employee told me that was due to the ease and convenience of Internet shopping. Technology is amazing but it is rapidly changing everything. It has changed not only the mode of shopping but also many of the items we saw for purchase today. Items ranged from the sleek and sophisticated apple watches that are capable of more than most dream of, to tiny bluetooth speakers that have a better sound performance than any large stereo I ever owned. Also lining the shelves were robotic vacuums to ease daily chores, drones that fly above, and even eyeglasses that can be utilized in conjunction with a single phone app that allows you to create and post videos from a different perspective. We looked at the latest electrical luxury car. (You should have seen how high-tech the interior of the car was or even seen the doors as they open like falcon wings.) So many items seemed to be right out of an episode of Jetsons, Star Trek, or James Bond (3 of my favorite childhood programs) so it was enjoyable to walk around the mall and see them even though each of those items carried a hefty price tag as well.

Later in the day after hearing the voice of a family friend on the phone just before she boarded a plane to head back to Phoenix from Ft. Lauderdale, we immediately got in the car and heard the song “Mary, Did You Know?” by Pentatonix. Mary would have never imagined the world, as we know it today. How much easier it would have been for her to board a car or plane or even make a call from her cell or watch to relatives once she had her baby. Everything seems to have changed. Everything! -Clothing, transportation, language, travel, entertainment, daily necessities, as well as daily luxuries.

Then I remembered there is a gift that has never changed, God’s gift of eternal life that has been given to us so freely. It too was costly, but Jesus paid the price for each of us. Our balance is zero. It is paid in full. The guarantee (written with His blood) is we will go to heaven and live with Him eternally. The only way to get there is to repent our sins and believe in Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. Have faith in Him daily and lean not on our own understanding but acknowledge Him daily. He does not require us to do anything else. With faith in Him and by His grace we will be saved. That is priceless! There is no better Christmas gift we can give a loved one than the gift of eternal joy. Pray for them, share His love and truth. Spread God’s gift this Christmas season, it’s better than BOGO.

Jesus said, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one can go to the Father except by Me." John 14:6 NLV

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