Things New
There is a new restaurant in town. I have pulled up the menu online, looked at the pictures on their website, and even drove by the new location to take a look. There is something about the feeling I get when something is new. A new box of crayons would have to be right there at the top of my list. The way they look with the flat points, the smell, and even the unflawed box which opens and closes so easily. (I know you think I am crazy.) New shoes and new clothes are also on my list. They can actually make my day. New shoes or clothes make me feel special. They make me feel pretty. They may be for a special occasion or just make the day feel special. New stationery is always fun, as is new journals, notebooks, colored pencils, and even jewelry.
That feeling of “new” does not only come with new things. I also get that feeling when I have a clean house, car, or even a clean desk. The clutter is removed and it seems not only more functional but “new.” New beginnings give me that same feeling too, such as the beginning of a new school year, a new year’s resolution, and a new season. A new recipe, a new friend, a new haircut, a new goal, a new… bottom line, I love new things!
There is a special kind of excitement of “new” but sometimes I don’t even want to use the “new” for fear that I may waste it or mess it up. As crazy as that sounds, if you know me, you know its true but God gives us a new sunrise daily. Along with each sunrise arrives a new day, new mercies, and a new purpose. His love for us is never-ending and always new.
It is great to have goals but focus on today. Don’t focus on the past or the future. Use today to the fullest and don’t hold onto it or waste it. God will give you a new tomorrow and His mercies will be new every day. This is the season of hope that we can share with others. God gives us new strength to not only tackle everyday but also spread His love. The strength He gives us will be unlike the previous day’s strength because everyday is new in Christ. That is pretty exciting.
Even when our days don’t feel special and “new” be reminded that He loves us unconditionally, He is there, and He will get us through. Taking on a “new” perspective each day will give us a “new” and exciting perspective on life.
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him." Lam 3:22-24 ESV