An Everyday Christmas Portion
“What would you like for Christmas?” seems to be the phrase that is repeated throughout the day with our children. Even if they are not telling us what they want, just by talking with us about life allows us to have a better insight on what they might like. In desiring to make Christmas special for our children, we search for that slightest idea that might make them happy but also keep in mind what is best for them in our eyes.
Not only do we want our children to be happy, but actually wowed with how they are blessed. This is not only on Christmas but throughout the year as well. Blessing another does not always require a monetary value. Even if you are not a parent you still know that feeling of wanting to abundantly exceed expectations in hopes of blessing another. It brings a smile to their being.
While wrapping gifts I thought of the portion of gifts each of our children would be receiving on Christmas. We want it to be fair and never want any of them feel their portion was less than perfect. That is exactly what our Heavenly Father desires for us too. Before we can even ask, think, or imagine He knows what is best for us. He knows what we want, what we need, what we can handle, and what will ultimately make us happy (even if we don’t see it at first.) He provides to us our portion forever. This portion is a godly inheritance that cannot be taken from us. He wants to love us unconditionally and bless us beyond belief but He also wants to hear from us.
Sometimes we can miss the blessing if we are not accustomed to having a grateful heart that is content with his provisions. When we only rely on our own standards we might feel slighted with our portion but rest assured He is providing for us even when we don’t acknowledge his provisions.
Just by turning on the daily news you will be reminded of the struggles of the world. We all struggle with things everyday: politics, sin, traffic, extreme weather (flooding, earthquakes, and fires), relationships, stress, idols, careers, relocations, illness, and even death. That alone should remind us to daily cry out to the Lord. King David learned to cry out to God. Through his self-ambitions and struggles he came to know the Lord is everything he needed forever. The Lord is with us through our failures as well as our successes. (He is on the mountaintops and in the valley.) He is with us when we feel good about ourselves and even when we feel that no one (not even God) cares for us. He is with us in the midst of our friends and with us when we are lost and alone. He is that still small voice in the night and the peace that passes all understanding. He is with us in troubled times, struggles, stressors, decisions, and daily routines. He is with us at the beginning of our life and with us at the end. As written in Psalm 76 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever!" God is present with us all the time and nothing can change that. He knows exactly what we want without us even answering. He is our portion forever! As King David wrote,
“LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” Psalm 16:5-6 NIV