A Friend to Count On
"I will never leave you nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5
Have you ever shared nachos or a plate of warm cookies? We have all heard the phrase 'sharing is caring.' We don’t have to share tangible items to show we care. We can share an evening simply playing a game or watching a movie? A true friend shares our life experiences no matter how big or small they appear in the spectrum of life.
Each of us finds comfort in knowing others are there for us but we each have our own ideal of what that should look like. It is assuring to know we are not walking through life alone and knowing what matters to us also matters to those around us. The ultimate expression of caring for others is celebrating in their every success and failure. Although this expression may be in the form of quality time spent together, a full embrace or a smile, it can be also be a phone call, text, or today even an heartfelt emoji but heart-felt emotion demonstrates to others you are there for them and they can count on you.
Years ago I taught middle school and the drama between girls was crazy. Often girls thought their friends were no longer there for them because they saw them speaking to another at arrival or sitting with someone else at lunch. Although this feeling of abandonment was short lived, it was real and often times devastating for all those around.
The problem is we get caught in our own world. It ends up being about us instead of others. It’s at times like that in which we can start feeling alone, depressed, and abandon. Without even realizing it, we focus on how others are not responding to us in the same manner we might respond toward them. With clouded vision we believe others have left us.
Because of a current circumstance or trial in your life, health or finance issue, or even a shattered dream you may be experiencing a difficult time in your life and may feel you are trying to do life on your own. You may even feel you cannot keep moving forward by yourself. Social media doesn’t help. Because of social media we may believe the people with more likes, more friends, or more activity posts are surrounded by more of life’s defining moments. It is easy to compare our lives to others and think ours doesn’t measure up.
Today be reminded you have a life-long friend that shares every minute with you. He will celebrate your successes and failures. He understands your every moment and responds with open arms even when the world has seemed to walk away.
The Bible gives us multiple examples to demonstrate He will be with us no matter the circumstance. He will never leave us or forsake us. Don’t wallow in the thought that others have left you. Don’t make this about you but about Him. You have a true friend in Christ. You never have to doubt He will always be with you through any life experience.
Whether you are walking through a fiery trial in your life like Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego or if you just need the assurance he is with you and fighting your battles, you have a verse to cling to this week.
Deuteronomy 31:6
Joshua 1:5
1 Chronicles 28:20
Hebrews 13:5
Today, knowing you are not alone in your circumstance reach out and be there for someone who may also need to be reminded of this.