My Life is a Parable
“The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.” Psalm 18:2 (NLT)
I have been asked how I come up with the topics of the blogs each week. I too find it amazing when I sit down to write how the Lord brings to mind something from the week. (Each post first finds a place in my heart and therefore it is really written for me but hopefully blesses you along the way too.)
Earlier this evening a neighbor’s dog jumped into the lake in pursuit of a duck. Although the duck looked real it was actually a stationary plastic duck floating in the lake as part of the irrigation system. The dog quickly swam and swam across the lake and when she had gotten within 5 feet of the plastic duck realized it was not real. She turned around and started back to the entry point but just as she got close, heard birds behind her so turned and went back out toward the plastic duck again. Soon neighbors all around the lake were calling to the dog to come out of the water and onto dry land. Real ducks flapped wings overhead and fish jumped changing the direction of the dog paddling through the water back and forth, back and forth. The evening sky was growing dark and the dog had visibly gotten tired as she was panting as she swam. In efforts to help the dog’s owner, everyone around the lake was encouraging her to get out of the water. People had towels, squeaky toys, and were calling her by name but even though the dog was getting weaker and weaker she seemed to be enticed by her own desires. At one time the dog actually got out of the water and started to run toward the road. Those around wanted to protect her and began to run after her and frantically called her name. The dog turned and darted back into the lake. This lasted for 55 minutes but seemed to take forever. Once the dog finally got out of the lake she even seemed afraid of her owner but all the neighbors cheered.
Isn’t that like us? We jump into life and paddle as fast as we can. We set our sights on things that cannot satisfy us but we don’t realize that until we can almost touch them. Even though we may realize false pursuits, there seems to be other things that pull us into other directions. We become tired, weak, and alone. Jesus is calling us by name and putting people around the perimeter of our life too to help guide the way but we are free to choose our direction. In addition, we do not have to feel afraid of Him because of our wrongdoings. He loves us unconditionally and doesn’t even think twice to open His loving arms. He is our protector, provider, shield, healer, peace, and our faith. He is our Master. He is our everything!
Throughout the New Testament many truths are taught through parables. We all love short stories. They are quick, memorable, and easy to understand. I thank the Lord my life is a living parable that helps me better understand His direction, protection, provision, wisdom, guidance and compassion. Ask God daily to show you the meaning of the stories in your life and how they glorify Him. Seek Him in the stories of your life and you too will be amazed at how evident He is in your life. You just have to keep your eyes open and focused on Him and you will see Him in your every event.
“God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection.” Psalm 18:30 (NLT)