Is God Your Major in Life?
This past weekend seemed to be a busy weekend sprinkled with celebrations for Cinco de Mayo, the Kentucky Derby, and highlighted with birthdays and graduations. Everyone loves a reason to celebrate and finds it easy to do so however, the joy that surrounds these events often seem to be short lived. As exciting as these events are in the moment, as soon as the celebrations themselves are over there seems to be a sense of wonder, fear, and anxiety of the unknown of the future.
You personally might not have just went through a graduation ceremony yet you have experienced a life event that allowed you to breathe, smile, and even think you were sitting right in the middle of God’s plan but then overnight you started to question everything! It seemed like everything was a perfect textbook example of success but then in crept fear. (This happens to all of us.)
As an example, let’s talk about graduation. At the onset of the event there is an overwhelming sense of accomplishment as family and friends surround us. This is accompanied with feelings of being able to actually conquer the world but then reality sets in and it becomes easy to start to ponder about the future while trying to decipher if we measure up to other’s expectations. What does the next year have in store for me? What will happen if I am not adequately prepared? Have I, and am I making the right choices? Should I seek other options? Do I have other options? Who will I be able to turn to? What happens if I make a mistake? …. The list goes on. Our joy can quickly diminish and we may even sense that we are all-alone and second-guess our self on everything.
Don’t take it into your own hands. Pray. Continue to trust in Christ. He has equipped you thus far and he will continue to equip you if you allow Him to work in and through your life.
As quoted by one of my professors, “God is not an elective in the school of life; He should be our major.” With our priorities straight we are reminded, greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world, and He is bigger than our circumstances.
Remember, He saw this day too!!!!
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31: 8 NIV
“May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.” Psalm 20:4 NIV