Starting New
Hello, It’s good to be back. About a year ago I ran into some uncertainties with my website. It stopped me in my tracks. I have needed to research and learn how to get past this obstacle. I just have to be reminded that God is okay with the fact that I don’t have it all figured out. That’s a personal problem of mine. I always want everything to be “just perfect.” If I feel in the slightest I can’t pull off perfection, I sometime shut down. Well, God has been speaking to me lately and I know I must get back to publishing my website (not only for you but really for me.) It is through my posts that I spend real quality time with God before anything is ever published. I am humbled recognizing that I don’t need to be perfect.
I am sure you could come up with a devotion you would like to share with me. It’s easy for us to instruct others on how they should think, but it is sometimes difficult to yield ourselves to the instruction of the Lord.
So much has happened in the last eight months that has grabbed my attention: projects around the house, new classes being taught at school, vacations, birthdays, new dreams, a wedding engagement, and then a wedding and all it’s festivities. It’s been easy to become preoccupied and lose-sight of how to fully-rely on God to handle my priorities. The demands have been a little cray, cray lately but I guess that is what keeps me going.
Pray for me this week as I try to pick up this blog where I left off. So much new has happened in the world of technology since I last worked on this site so I have much to learn again. I will be praying for you, my reader, as you are moving through your week too.
Don’t forget to subscribe on the Contact page so you never miss a post.
Your sister in Christ,
Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord. But whoever fails to find me harms himself” Proverbs 8:33-36